glassglobal Group / the global glass competence

glassglobal Consulting

Our team of glass production and market experts prepares general and customized glass market studies, being leader in that topic, worldwide. Moreover, our team prepares marketing concepts, conducts price and competitor analyses, SWOT analyses and evaluation of investments, and develops sales strategies and bankable business plans e.g. for greenfield glass production plants.

glassglobal Plants

Access to data from glass producers worldwide – display factories by furnace details, capacities, glass types, year of construction, IS-machines, etc. Glass market and product statistics.

glassglobal Community is the leading portal for the international glass industry. Visitors use the portal as expert marketing channel, browse the portal to get updated information, execute researches or successfully trade equipment or glass.

glassglobal Trading

The Trading platform is an international business area for all companies active in purchase and sale, covering all technologies. The key segments are dedicated to glass production and processing equipment and float resp. container glass trade.

glassglobal IT-Services

Professional realization of all elements in websites from presentations to calculations, from design to CRM. Our glass expert team supports industry-related design, keyword programming, search engine optimization and target oriented customer approach.


glassglobal Group
Grafenberger Allee 277-287
40237 Düsseldorf (Germany)
Phone +49 (0)211 280733-0
Fax +49 (0)211 280733-22